With great joy we want to inform you that thanks to the generosity of all parishioners, this December 17th we will have the Eucharistic celebration and blessing of our headquarters in the south (17390 SW 200 St, Miami), celebrating the day of St. Lazarus, our patron saint.
The doors will open at 11:00 am starting the Eucharist at 12:30 pm, and then the blessing of the pets will take place, closing at 4:00 pm.
In the Rincón de San Lázaro church in Hialeah, all the usual activities of our annual San Lázaro festival will take place
They are cordially invited.
Thanks once again for the contributions received. May the Lord and Saint Lazarus always bless you
Your Legacy in the Corner of San Lázaro
With your generous donation, a brick will be dedicated that will bear your name, that of a relative or friend designated for you. This will be the testimony of the contribution to the construction of the new church. Call for more information and donations at (305) 887-0944