Saint Lazarus Blessed, Patron Saint of the poor, my powerful advocate, my Holy protector, in you I place my trust, in you I place my needs and I convey to you my worries and my anxieties, before you I expose with hope my dreams and desires, and I I humbly ask you to be my mediator before the Lord, because I know that infinite goodness springs from your hands when with Humility and Faith your effective help is required. Glorious and dear Saint Lazarus, today I come to you supplicating asking for your powerful help because I know that there are many miracles that through you Jesus, in his mercy, has worked and continues to work. May your power of intercession and courage before Our Lord help me to come out well and as soon as possible from all my ills and tribulations that afflict me, ask him to pour out his infinite Charity and sweet comparison on my person and my loved ones, ask him in my name send your blessings and remove all despair and uneasiness from my life. Oh Saint Lazarus blessed, for the hope so sublime, that your heart was warm to reach the crown of martyrdom, And, for that ardent desire to sincerely give your life for Him who returned it to you after having lost it, grant me Saint Lazarus glorious your valuable one support and support. Pray for my wishes before the good Jesus, your friend, brother and benefactor, and also mine, and ask him, for his Love and Charity, for his infinite piety, to grant me what I ask with all my heart that finds the relief I need in my despair and I can get out of this bad situation that torments me so much. Help me good Saint to obtain what I request, you know that I am suffering a lot, guide me and straighten my steps so that I do not make mistakes, give me strength to find solutions, and if you think that it is not convenient, give me Peace and Tranquility to my Soul so that wait resigned-to the fulfillment of the Divine Will.
Saint Lazarus, effective Father of the Poor, I beg you with all my being, do not stop helping me, show yourself propitious and benevolent as you always do and take my prayers and supplications to the Lord as soon as possible, extend your generous hand to me, give me your protection and protection; remove from my life all adversity, all suffering, remove any evil and enemy so that I can advance and please alleviate my sorrows, my needs and problems so that I can advance and please alleviate my sorrows, my needs and problems so that I can have Peace , Love, Health and work, and enjoy well-being, and enjoy well-being, luck, fortune and prosperity.
Saint Lazarus with me and I with him; the behind, I behind him, for all my men and my misfortunes, for all my misfortunes and adversities, all my ruins and deficiencies with his power make them disappear, for the Glory of all.
Saint Lazarus Miraculous, Saint Lazarus Mighty, risen by the divine grace of Jesus Christ, I beg you, for the sad moment of your agony and for the infinite joy that you experienced when Jesus with his sweet words ordered you to come out of the grave, that communicates my urgent needs to the Divine Master so that he may grant me what I have asked for in your most precious mediation in these serious moments of scarcity, and may luck, fortune, abundance and prosperity come to me. Thank you I give you from the heart for your intercession, thank you I give you because I know you will help me. Glorious Saint Lazarus blessed, I love you and to you is my Devotion, in you I place my trust to make my dreams come true, ask the good Jesus to wrap me with his mercy and grant me his favors, but if He believes that I do not deserve it, I I will continue to love him the same for what he is, for how good you have been with me and for how much he has protected me in my life, faith in him saves me and his love comforts me. Thank you dear Jesus for being there listening to me, thank you for putting on my way Saint Lazarus, who is my good protector and intercessor before You and will get me your help and blessing.
Meditation to your requests:
Saint Lazarus, Glorious Father of the Poor, I beg you DO NOT stop helping me, show yourself propitious as you always do and take my requests to the Lord as soon as possible, give me your blessings and protection, alleviate my sorrows and problems and remove from my life all evil and enemy .
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, so be it, so shall it be. Amen Then you pray: A Hail Mary and the Our Father. This prayer is done for 9 consecutive days.